Christer wrote:
How many new members does the forum get every day? Would monitoring new members by moderator approval of first "any number of" posts be to big a task or a solution to the increasing number of spammers?
90% of the new "members" are spammers with about 95% of those spammer accounts being blocked by the anti-spammer measures currently in place. However, these are really only effective vs. spam-bots. A small percentage of spammers use "farms" that employ people in sweatshops that manually create accounts. This, along with certain other tricks, can bypass automated anti-spam defenses. I've had two other forums destroyed by spammers, but I think the defenses on WIX are pretty good now. Granted, its not perfect but it is not as onerous as it once was. It also helps when people report spammer accounts.
Scott Rose
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